I just finished the excellent article "13 Things System Administrators Hate About IT Vendors" by Jeff James at Petri IT Knowledgebase . Here are those 13 pain points: Sales reps who don't know their own products. Over promise, meet under deliver. It's a software problem! No, it's a hardware problem! One size fits all documentation. Vanishing support after the sale. Putting down other vendors. Configuration fails. Outsourced telephone tech support. Customer-hostile online support. Abusing a monopoly position. Throwing [system] admins under the bus to make a sale. Getting what you pay for. Clueless consultants. Good news! Well-drafted contract documents between the IT vendor and customer can mitigate many of these issues. Here's how: First, the customer should base its selection of an IT vendor on the vendor's written response to a carefully-prepared Request for Proposal ("RFP"). In my experience, IT customers don't s...
Attorney Chadwick C. Busk's monthly blog/newsletter for business professionals, including information technology executives, with occasional asides to comment-worthy topics. These posts are intended to inform and entertain; I earn no revenue from them.