The BUSKLAW January Newsletter: "What's in Your Contracts?" The Case for Auditing Your Contracts (Part 1)
It's 2019! Time to dust off the real - or virtual - dust covering those contracts in your real - or virtual - file cabinet and take a look at them for potential problems waiting to blossom into disputes that could lead to costly litigation. So pick one of your more important business contracts and review the following provisions to see if any of these concerns hit home: > Identification of the Parties. For some reason lost in the annals of time, lawyers often identify the contracting parties with names that are similar, as in "Licensee and Licensor," "Lessor and Lessee," and "Obligor and Obligee." But this practice is ill-advised because the drafter is susceptible to using the names incorrectly, and the reader must stop and figure out their meaning based only on the last two letters of the name. So rather than use these confusingly similar names, why not simply use the real names of the parties after first identifying their legal relations...