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Showing posts from February 28, 2016

The BUSKLAW March Newsletter: Basic Legal Protections for a Small Technology Business

This post is directed to a small Michigan-based technology business with several employees who write code or produce other creative work. Start-up technology businesses may find this post especially relevant; established smaller technology firms may also find this useful. As always, the recommendations in this post should not be taken as legal advice and are simply general guidelines for your consideration. Here are what I consider basic legal protections that you – the astute entrepreneur - should have in place for your technology business from the day that you open the door: Protect Your Intellectual Property . Your creative output may be protected by U.S. patent, copyright, trademark, or trade secret law. Know the basics of these legal protections by reading this excellent article in the February, 2016 issue of the Michigan Bar Journal . Then, find a good intellectual property (I.P.) attorney to discuss the best cost-effective ways to protect your valuable I.P. assets....