I've created a monthly newsletter each month since last September - they are archived on the sidebar to the right of this page. I hope that you find the topics relevant to your business. But it has dawned on me that the newsletters don't touch on a subject that you may find interesting: how I practice law. So, let's remedy that: Unlike many lawyers, I write - and revise - contracts in plain language (or "plain English," which is the same concept - just a bit more ethnocentric). The arguments for drafting contracts are stated in the articles that I wrote for the January and February, 2015 issues of the Michigan Bar Journal . (The links to these articles are also on the sidebar.) There is no good excuse for legal jargon. I try to be responsive to my clients. If a client calls or emails me and if I'm not immediately available, I try to answer within 24 hours with a substantive response (rather than simply, "I received your email and will look into it...
Attorney Chadwick C. Busk's monthly blog/newsletter for business professionals, including information technology executives, with occasional asides to comment-worthy topics. These posts are intended to inform and entertain; I earn no revenue from them.