I'm at a loss to describe 2021 using American English, sorry. AmE has grown tiresome. Don't believe me? Just turn on your local TV news and listen for how many times the news people use "prior" instead of "before" and pepper their speech with "as well," frequently tacking it on after using "also" in the same sentence, as in "It will also rain tomorrow as well." How can all be WELL when every other sentence ends with AS WELL? Warning: don't play a drinking game to count the number of AS WELLs or you'll be pished (as they say in Scotland) in 10 minutes. Which reminds me of why we should be thankful for Brit English to describe 2021: it was another year that we good guys got knackered.
- Covid continues unabated - now improved with variants (get your booster, wear a mask)!
- The peaceful transition of the U.S. government after the 2020 presidential election almost didn't happen (can you say "insurrection")?
- Speaking of the U.S. government, is the President really Biden - or Manchin? Is the Vice President really Harris - or Sinema? (Visual of tail wagging the dog.)
- On the international front, Putin is ready to reconstitute the Soviet Union, and Xi is ready to take Taiwan, while Kim is now into hypersonic missiles. (Cue R.E.M.)
- But don't worry, you'll probably be underwater in a few decades after the Thwaites Glacier lets go. (Sell your lakefront property!)
- And maybe ET can save us if only we can figure out a way to slow them down for a tete-a-tete. (Take me to your cattle-dissecting leader with a cooler full of Impossible burgers - raw.)
- And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention what you can see at O'Hare Airport... at night...if you keep your eyes open. (Maybe they're jealous of powered flight?)
But we take solace from JRR Tolkien: The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.
So with that melodramatic yet cheeky preface, let's recap my posts for 2021:
Apologies for the missing months. My few but valued clients can be persistent!
What's on tap for 2022? Hopefully, a bit more content that you may find relevant to your own business issues and interests. But now we may consign 2021 to the bin, to be removed by the bin-persons (not to be confused with removers), whilst we enjoy a Pimm's!
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